Expectations Women's Center Staff

Who We Are

We’re a team made up of staff members and trained volunteers who are here to help you navigate everything from relationships to pregnancy decisions to parenting.
  • Our executive director, oversees and manages our entire organization. She’s also been known to fill in as a receptionist every once and a while.
  • The administrative assistant and bookkeeper are key in supporting our executive director and the organization as a whole.
  • Our nurse manager oversees all of our ultrasounds for pregnancy confirmation and dating and pregnancy testing.
  • Center directors manage all the day-to-day operations at each of our two offices, located in Lewisburg, PA, and in Williamsport, PA.
  • Client advocates are compassionate individuals who have gone through specialized training to listen and provide support to you!
  • Receptionists are the first friendly faces you’ll see when you come in the door at either of our offices.
  • Our community relations director helps us raise funds and make connections in our local area.

Education Resource

We empower you with fact- and evidence-based education, so you can make informed decisions about relationships, pregnancy options, and parenting. 

Privacy Matters

At Expectations Women’s Center, we believe your private life should be kept private. We’ll be here to help you as you navigate life, but we’ll keep your decisions confidential.

Free of Charge

All of our services are offered free of charge, so whether you want someone to talk to, a pregnancy test or an ultrasound, we won’t let money get in the way.

We’re committed to serving you.

All services at Expectations Women’s Center are provided in a
non-judgmental way without regard to sex, age, race, income, nationality, religious affiliation, disability or other arbitrary circumstances. We provide respectful, compassionate, and non-discriminatory care for every individual. Expectations Women’s Center does not unlawfully discriminate against any person or group of people in either hiring/employment practices or in the administration of programs and services, including on the basis of sexual orientation or gender identity.


You’re not alone.

If you’re looking for a safe place to talk to someone about relationships, pregnancy decisions or parenting, fill out our confidential appointment request. We have locations in both Williamsport, Pennsylvania, and Lewisburg, Pennsylvania.