Pregnancy Symptoms

Women holding pregnancy confirmation ultrasound photo

Am I pregnant?  Learn about pregnancy symptoms.

Are you experiencing symptoms that have you asking yourself – “am I pregnant?” While a missed period is often one of the early signs of pregnancy, hormonal changes can cause various pregnancy symptoms in the first few weeks. We’ve gathered a list of some of the symptoms of pregnancy in this post (which got our medical director’s stamp of approval). However, it’s important to note that every pregnancy is different, and hormonal changes can cause these symptoms at other times, too – like when you’re getting sick or just before your period starts.

Positive Pregnancy Test

Obviously, a common method to determine whether you are pregnant or not is to take a pregnancy test. We offer pregnancy testing free of charge at both of our locations, in Lewisburg and Williamsport, Pennsylvania. If you have a positive pregnancy test, we have information available on all pregnancy options (abortion, adoption, parenting) and can schedule you for a follow-up pregnancy confirmation and dating ultrasound in Williamsport or Lewisburg, Pennsylvania, free of charge, with a registered nurse. An ultrasound is the only way to confirm pregnancy with 100% accuracy.

Very Early Signs of Pregnancy (1 Week - 3 Weeks)

The very first signs of pregnancy will likely begin around the time of your missed period. It may seem to make sense that your missed period is week one of pregnancy, but the reality is by the time you miss a period, you’re usually closer to four weeks pregnant. In these very early weeks (1 week – 3 weeks), hormonal changes are occurring in everyone, but individual experiences vary. Here is a list of some of the common first pregnancy symptoms:

    • Light spotting. This is also known as implantation bleeding when the fertilized egg attaches to the uterine lining— 10 to 14 days after conception. It can sometimes be mistaken for a light period but is one of the first signs of pregnancy.

    • Missed period. If your period is even a day or two late, you’re probably wondering – “could I be pregnant?” The answer is yes – and most positive pregnancy tests will show up the day of your missed period. If your cycles normally vary, try taking a test at least 21 days after you had unprotected sex.

    • Tender, swollen breasts. This discomfort usually goes away as your body adjusts to the hormonal changes after a few weeks

    • Nausea and/or vomiting. Morning sickness, which can occur at any time during the day, often begins in the first or second month of pregnancy. As with all pregnancy symptoms, individual experiences vary, but as a very early sign of pregnancy, you may notice waves of nausea that pass with time. These waves may range from being brief and mild to being longer and more intense. Both can be normal.

    • Fatigue. Many women are very tired during their first trimester.

    • Increased urination. You may notice that you are running to the bathroom, needing to urinate more frequently.

    • Headache. As your hormones change and your body adjusts, headaches may occur.

More subtle pregnancy signs during the first trimester include:

  • Moodiness. You may be unusually emotional or tearful. You may also notice mood swings.
    • Bloating. This is like how your belly might feel at the start of a menstrual period.
    • Cramping. Some women experience mild uterine cramping.
    • Constipation. Your digestive system tends to slow down.
    • Food aversions. You may become more sensitive to certain odors and changes in sense of taste or food preferences.
    • Nasal congestion and/or bloody nose.
  • If this isn’t a good time to be pregnant, there are options. Our pregnancy confirmation and dating ultrasounds can be done as a part of our pre-abortion assessment. Know your options. Choose with confidence.

    Pre-Abortion Assessment

    • Pregnancy Testing
    • Limited Obstetrical Ultrasound Exam
    • Gestational Age Determination
    • Pregnancy and Abortion Options Consultation
    • Medical, Insurance, and Community Support Referrals

    *We do not provide extended OB/GYN or pre-natal care, birth control prescriptions or devices, fertility testing, abortion services, referrals for abortion or STI/STD testing.

    Pregnancy Symptoms

    You’re not alone.

    If you’re looking for a safe, nonjudgmental place to talk to someone about pregnancy decisions, schedule a confidential confirmation of pregnancy appointment. We have locations in both Williamsport, Pennsylvania, and Lewisburg, Pennsylvania.

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    We empower you with fact- and evidence-based education, so you can make informed decisions about relationships, pregnancy, abortion, adoption and parenting. 

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    All of our services are offered free of charge, so whether you want someone to talk to, a pregnancy test or an ultrasound, we won’t let money get in the way.

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    non-judgmental way without regard to sex, age, race, income, nationality, religious affiliation, disability or other arbitrary circumstances. We provide respectful, compassionate, and non-discriminatory care for every individual.

    We're here for you. Call us.

    Lewisburg Office: 570-523-6872
    Williamsport Office: 570-321-8240